Hive Energy New Zealand

Hive Energy New Zealand - Solar Development
New Zealand has set a goal to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030.

The country currently produces 84% of its power from renewable sources, however, New Zealand is still importing coal and oil from outside the country.

In terms of renewable energy, New Zealand is a leader in the sector and was the second country to implement geothermal energy for hydrogen production. Due to the volcanic and tectonic features, the country is perfectly suited for generating geothermal power. As well as the country’s development in geo technology, the first hydroelectric power plant in the Southern Hemisphere was built in the country in 1885.

Hive is working as part of HES Aotearoa in New Zealand – which is a partnership between Hive, Ethical Power, and Solar South West. In late 2023, HESA announced a nine solar farm development partnership with leading solar energy generation company, Lodestone Energy. Once constructed, the HESA sites will represent more than 500 GWh in additional solar generation for Aotearoa.

Matt Rowe - Ethical Power New Zealand - Hive Energy

Matt Rowe

Ethical Power New Zealand

Hive Solar

Green Hydrogen

Hive Carbon

Hive Ventures

Hive Aggregates

Hive Ecosystems