Climate Change Resources

Climate change is the long-term change in temperatures and weather patterns.

Climate change can occur through natural circumstances. The earth’s climate changes naturally, in line with natural changes such as the sun’s energy, or volcanic eruptions. However, human activities are responsible for unprecedented and catastrophic changes in our climate over the past century.

The burning of fossil fuels generates greenhouse gases, which is a primary contributor to climate change and global warming. Greenhouses gases include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. While these gases are naturally occurring  in our atmosphere, the levels are at their highest levels in 2 million years, causing the earth’s surface temperature to dramatically rise. The consequences of climate change are vast, including droughts, fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting ice, and severe storms – all these changes subsequently impact biodiversity.

A UN report released in 2018 advised that we must limit the rise of global temperature to 1.5°C to maintain a livable climate and avoid dire impacts. However, based on current climate plans across the globe, predictions forecast the temperature rising by over 2.5°C by 2100.

How Hive is Making change


Our Hive Ecosystems team are working on projects in South Africa to restore nature across depleted areas. The project will also allow us to implement carbon sequestration technology on a large scale.


Hive Aggregates are utilising industrial by-products to create building products for use in development projects. This will support the reduction of Co2 produced by the cement industry and limite waste.


The Hive Carbon team utilise invasive plants to create innovative BioChar. Biochar can be used to reduce the methane produced by livestock, as well as improving the health of the animals. Helping to reduce greenhouses gases.


The aim of Hive Ventures is to grow the Hive business group through astute and sustainable investments. We support businesses who are developing new technologies in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change.


The Hive Hydrogen team are harvesting the power of water, the sun, and wind to create a fully sustainable energy source. Green hydrogen and ammonia will support the transition away from fossil fuel.


Solar power is a fantastic natural resource that will allow us to power the planet. Using energy from the sun will allow us to significantly reduce our reliance on other resources which cause significant damage to the planet.

IPCC report forecasts impending and unavoidable climate hazards over the next two decades

Carbon removals and rapid decarbonisation needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C

The world has less than 10 years to avert climate change catastrophe, report finds

Climate emergency a ‘national security’ concern, says Red Cross

Climate change: Extreme weather warning systems for all 'in five years'

Hive Solar

Green Hydrogen

Hive Carbon

Hive Ventures

Hive Aggregates

Hive Ecosystems