DBG Bioenergy

DBG BioEnergy Group is a highly innovative green energy company based in the Netherlands.

DBG Bio Energy established a cradle-to-cradle approach to process paper sludge, an industrial waste stream from the paper and pulp industry. Based on biotechnological research and development, DBG developed a patented enzyme technology to upcycle this specific waste into BioLNG, green fertlisers and Liquid CO2, this, by mimicking the regenerative cycle of nature in which waste is reused.

DBG’s aim is to process 270,000 tonnes of paper sludge per plant per year. As an output, DBG will produce 180.000 tonnes of green fertiliser, 14.000 tonnes of BioLNG and 35.000 tonnes of liquid CO2. BioLNG is a low carbon fuel that powers heavy transport and ships, hence accelerating the energy transition and energy self-sufficiency. Green fertilisers are a better alternative to synthetic fertilisers, because of their superior quality and regenerative properties. Liquid CO2 has numerous uses, such as in green houses or for sparkling drinks. This way, DBG not only provides the paper and pulp industry with a cost-competitive and environmentally friendly solution for their waste ,but makes other industries more sustainable as well.

The first plant is currently being constructed in Delfzijl, Groningen Seaports in the Netherlands.

In March 2021, Hive Energy acquired 50% of the DBG Group B.V.

The partnership, called Hive BioEnergy, will focus on transforming industrial waste into Biogas and fertilisers. This marks another key milestone in our mission to create transformational change for a cleaner future. We aim to achieve this through partnering with world-class Circular Economy companies.

Hive Energy is determined to drive transformational change to prevent climate change. We are thrilled to be partnering with the DBG Group as they have an exciting, achievable, and ambitious plan to prevent an industrial waste stream from being incinerated. Instead, they will process it to produce organic fertilisers and green Biogas- two important commodities that the world needs as it moves to Carbon Net Zero.

Our partnership has developed over recent years and Hive now owns 70% of shares. 

Nafici Environmental Reseach

