How cities are becoming greener

'How cities are becoming greener' is written in grey over a picture of a tall office-like building, surrounded by green shrubbery.

Many cities have made a commitment to becoming more sustainable. Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an increase in greener initiatives and the development of various technologies that help cities become more environmentally friendly. These initiatives include green roofs and solar panels on rooftops, as well as bike lanes and trails for pedestrians. This blog will take a look at how these initiatives are making cities greener and more environmentally friendly places to live.

More and more cities are becoming “green” with each passing year. As the world’s population booms and urban areas expand, we need to find ways to make our cities more sustainable. Cities are leading this charge by taking steps toward becoming greener and more environmentally friendly, which will ultimately lead to a better future for all of us.

Green roofs

Green roofs, sometimes called living roofs, are flat areas on top of buildings that are covered (either partially or completely) with growing plants and vegetation. For some green roofs, the infrastructure is more complex, with layers of waterproofing, root barriers, filtration, drainage, and irrigation.

Green roofs are a great way to improve the environment and reduce energy costs. They reduce water runoff, which can lead to flooding and other issues. They also insulate buildings from extreme temperatures, reducing the need for air conditioning in summer and heaters in winter. They also provide habitat for plants and animals, further supporting biodiversity and habitat growth.

Bike lanes and trials

Bike lanes and trails are a great way to get around town. They can be used for recreation, as well as commuting. Bike lanes are also an easy way for cities to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging people to use alternate modes of transportation instead of driving a car.

Many cities across the world have introduced biking schemes and publicly accessible bikes, but some have taken it further by closing off public roads for bike access alone. This not only makes it far safer for cyclists, but dramatically cuts the emissions for a city.

Rooftop solar

Solar panels are a great way to cut carbon emissions, and they’re becoming more efficient than ever before. Something that many cities are exploring is unconventional installation of solar, including on rooftops and parking lots. The unique positioning means they can help cities cut back on their energy consumption without taking up any space. In some places, solar panels are actually being used to create shaded areas to further cool cities too.

Parklets and green spaces

Parklets are public spaces created by converting parking spaces into parks. They’re a great way to promote pedestrian activity, and they can be a great place for people to sit and relax. Green spaces like this mitigate effects of pollution and the ‘urban heat island’ effect, which is common in built up areas. Similarly to the green roofs, investing in green spaces and parklets also offers a space for animals and plants to thrive, encouraging biodiversity in our cities.