El Salobral Case Study - Valdesolar - Hive Energy
El Salobral Case Study - Valdesolar - Hive Energy

Valdesolar is the largest solar energy project in Spain. At 264 MW the site provides renewable electricity to the equivalent of 153,000 homes.

Through the development of Valdesolar Hive Energy will deliver local environmental and social benefits, through the creation of jobs and conservation areas. These conservation zones will protect a variety of birds that are prevalent in the local area.

The site is 616 hectares and will comprise of 648,000 mono-crystalline panels, on single-axis tracking systems. Construction started in July 2020 and developers, Repsol, began harvesting power from the solar farm in July 2021.

At full power, Valdesolar, will provide electricity to some 140,000 homes in the province of Badajoz in the west of Spain, saving over 270,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year. At the point of development, this project was the largest solar energy site in the whole of Spain.

We have an extensive portfolio in Spain, with a Head Quarters based in Alicante. Over ten permanent members of staff are based in the HQ, including a team of Business Development Managers who have full oversight and control of our project pipeline in the country. In Spain, we are also developing a strong presence in the green hydrogen sector, with multiple H2 projects in progress throughout the country.

CO₂ Salvati