Debunking common solar myths

Solar power has emerged as a leading renewable energy source, providing clean and sustainable energy to millions around the world. However, amidst its growing popularity, there are still some misconceptions and myths surrounding the green energy source. In this blog post, we aim to demystify solar by addressing some common myths and setting the record straight. 


1: Solar power is expensive 

One of the most prevalent myths about solar power is that it is prohibitively expensive. While solar panels do require an upfront investment, the cost of solar power has drastically decreased over the years. Technological advancements, government incentives, and economies of scale have made solar power more affordable. In fact, solar energy can save homeowners and businesses money on their electricity bills in the long run, offsetting the initial installation cost. As solar becomes more widely adopted, the price continues to fall.  


2: Solar power is inefficient 

Another common misconception is that solar power is not efficient enough to generate significant electricity. However, modern solar panels have become highly efficient and ongoing research and development are continually improving solar panel efficiency. It’s important to note that even in regions with less sunlight, solar power can still be a viable and sustainable energy source.  

On that note, some people also claim that solar is not a suitable source for cloudier regions. Contrary to popular belief, solar power can still be harnessed effectively in cloudy or cold climates. While solar panels do perform best under direct sunlight, they can still generate electricity even on cloudy days. Cold temperatures can even enhance the performance of solar panels by reducing resistance within the electrical system. Solar power systems can be designed to optimise energy production, taking into account local weather conditions and climate. In these areas, battery energy storage solutions are being paired with solar development to maximise energy potential and storage.  

3: Solar doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing  

Aesthetic concerns are often cited as a reason for not adopting solar power. However, solar panels have come a long way in terms of design and appearance. They can be integrated seamlessly into rooftops or installed as standalone structures and large-scale farms. Additionally, studies have shown that solar panels can actually increase the value of a property as more people are considering their impact on the environment, as well as how they can save on energy bills. Many potential buyers see solar panels as an attractive feature, signalling energy efficiency and sustainability. 


4: Solar is only for residential use 

Solar power is often associated only with residential installations. However, solar energy is also widely used in commercial and industrial sectors. Businesses, schools, hospitals, and even entire communities are embracing solar power as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly energy solution. Large-scale solar power plants are being built, by developers like Hive, supplying clean energy to the grid and helping to reduce carbon emissions. 


5: Solar power requires maintenance 

Solar power systems are durable and require minimal maintenance. Once installed, solar panels typically have no moving parts, reducing the risk of mechanical failure. Occasional cleaning to remove dust or debris is usually sufficient to maintain optimal performance.  


6: Solar power is harmful to the environment 

Solar power is often criticised for the environmental impact of manufacturing solar panels or increasing local temperatures. While it is true that energy is needed to produce solar panels, the environmental benefits of using solar energy far outweigh the manufacturing process. Solar power produces zero greenhouse gas emissions during operation, helping to combat climate change. Additionally, advancements in recycling solar panels are increasing their sustainability and reducing waste.  

Some people question whether solar panels actually heat the local environment. The short answer is no, not directly. However, due to the colours of the panels, they absorb heat, meaning they attract more heat than other materials, sometimes causing a phenomenon known as the ‘solar heat island effect’. The solar heat island effect caused by solar panels is analogous to the ‘urban heat island’ effect observed in cities, where buildings and paved surfaces absorb heat and contribute to higher temperatures in urban areas. Similar to the urban heat island effect, the solar heat island effect caused by solar panels tends to be more pronounced in the daytime. It’s important to note that the impact of solar panels on local temperature is relatively localised and limited in scale. While the effect is a potential outcome, it’s important to weigh it against the environmental benefits of solar power. Solar energy is a renewable and clean energy source, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combatting climate change. By transitioning to solar power and adopting proper land-use planning and design strategies, the potential negative temperature impacts can be mitigated. 

Agri-solar also gives the benefit of shaded areas for livestock and crops. Many developers also aim to improve biodiversity on the sites, with Biodiversity Net Gain in mind throughout the development and construction process. This means that sites, in some areas, are required to meet at least the same conditions as before construction began. A lot of solar farms can actually become havens for wildlife.  

As we debunk these common myths about solar power, it becomes ever clearer that solar energy is a vital and sustainable solution for our energy needs. The technology is advancing, making solar power more accessible and cost-effective than ever before. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can reduce our carbon footprint, lower our electricity bills, and work towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.