How energy is wasted

How energy is wasted

At Hive we’re on a mission to save the planet using renewable energy. While the transition to clean energy is a fantastic step to reduce greenhouse gases, it’s also important to focus on how energy is wasted and what we can do to reduce waste. While we want to reduce waste where possible, reducing your energy use will also impact your monthly bills. With energy prices at an all-time high, stretching your energy use and strategically cutting back offers a range of benefits.

Energy Dissipation

Energy efficiency measures how much energy is wasted. Efficient machines and systems will waste less energy than their inefficient counterparts.

In the process of harvesting energy there will be changes in the system, this transference leads to a percentage of energy dissipation. Friction is a primary cause of energy dissipation, specifically when two surfaces rub together, and the areas begin to heat up. This heating then leads to further internal and surface temperatures rising. While energy dissipation is an occurrence across most systems, there are ways to improve energy waste – such as adding lubrication in machines to reduce friction or adding insulation.

Nowadays, a lot of household products will specify their energy efficiency so you can choose what to buy based on how wasteful it is. Older electronics are likely to be significantly more damaging and wasteful, so keep an eye out when replacing out of date devices.

How we can stop energy being wasted

While there is an amount of energy lost in the process of powering our devices, the bigger issue is energy being wasted in ways that could easily be avoided.

When thinking about how energy is wasted there are some exceptionally quick ways we can reduce waste, with minimal change to our daily routines. A lot of energy is lost on household devices and electronics not being efficiently used. By adjusting our behaviour, we can save energy and money on electric bills!

LIGHTS – We need to learn to turn lights off when we’re not using them. It can easily become a habit to leave the light on in the hall or forget to switch the lamp off when you leave the kitchen but switching off as you go can save all round. By only using the lights you need (when you need them) you’ll cut down on energy use and extend the life of your lightbulbs. There are many options now for smart systems which allow you to turn lights on and off virtually, as well as scheduling times for your lights to be on. On the subject of bulbs, check which light bulbs you’re using in your house. Incandescent lights consume significantly more energy than other alternatives, such as LEDs – which can use up to 80% less energy!

UPLUG – Did you know that your devices use energy even when they aren’t turned on? By unplugging your devices (such as your TV, computer, and phone charger) you’ll cut energy waste. No one wants to be paying for electricity that they’re not using!

TURN DOWN THE TEMPERATURE – Turning down the temperature is good advice for all sorts of electronics around the home. Firstly, using cooler water on your weekly wash is a massive energy and money saver. With almost 90% of your washing machine’s energy being used to heat water, you could be saving big time on turning the heat down. The best part is that your clothes will wash just as well on cool temperatures – you can quickly check the labels in your clothes to double check before you start turning the dials down. As well as the washing machine, you should keep an eye on your thermostat. Keep the heating off where you can and cut your energy waste and electric bills!